A morning phone call from my son never fails to make my day. Just fifteen minutes ago, a hyperactive Zyrus was talking on the other line describing how he finished his banana pancake midnight snack and shared stories of his last night’s dream. I got inspired after our conversation that I decided to open my laptop and make an article about him. So taking you all along memory lane on how and when my journey to motherhood started.
March 2003:
I had my monthly period twice. First was on the 2nd week that lasted for only 2 days which is weird since my normal menstruation goes up to 4-5days. Then I had another light blood discharge on the 4th week - it’s so light that I decided to see an ob-gyne already. Our family has a long history of ovarian cyst. My mom herself was a victim as her ovary was removed 10 years ago. I thought I’m having the same symptoms also. I had the shock on my life when while I was on the trans-vaginal ultrasound – the doctor surprisingly said “do you know that you are 6 weeks pregnant?” Waaaaaaaaaaa! I’m totally clueless. But I fall in love with my son already the moment I saw his tiny peanut-like young body and heard his active heartbeat – such a divine feeling.
I had spotting – the bleeding is an indication that the baby’s grip on my womb was not so strong and may eventually lead to miscarriage if it won’t stop. I was advised to take bedrest for a month, just literally lying on the best for straight 30 days – not doing anything but to eat and sleep. The only time I get up is when I go toilet or take a bath. I did everything to ensure a healthy pregnancy. I gained 20 pounds and forced myself to eat and drink items I don’t like eversince (I hate banana but I need it for potassium/ Annum milk taste so yuck but I need a daily 2 glasses intake of it). Not to mention the agony of morning sickness and the painful all-of-a-sudden puking. However, there’s a joy over the fact that there’s a life growing inside my womb – the impulse kicking and the feel of movement when the infant change position always brings me joy. The peaceful moments of me listening to classical music of Mozart and Beethoven because I know it will be good for my baby’s emotional molding. I knew I was having a boy on my fifth month term. I started to buy boy infant items and researched a name for him. His nursery room was ready when I reached my seventh month. Attended 3 different suprise baby showers organized by my friends and relatives. My whole family was so excited as we were all counting the days until the day my son will see the world.
Zy's room theme is obviously Barney, the purple Dinasour
Mommy Ybeth really enjoyed buying toys for Zy (even if he was not born yet)
November 2003:
My actual due date was around December 5, 2003. But maybe because of work pressure and tension on my personal lovelife involving issues over my son’s father, I had an early deliver on November 14. My waterbag broke when I was on the middle of doing window shopping. I was alone and asked help of the sales lady to escort me to the taxi stand. Inside the cab I was panicking, calling my mom as I'm confuse where to proceed - home first or directly go hospital. My mom called my doctors (OB-Gyne and Anesthesiologist) and told them that I will give birth already.
I gave birth to a healthy bouncing boy at exactly 11:15pm. It was a caesarian delivery because I’m still not feeling the labor pains even if my waterbag broke already. I still clearly remember that I was so nervous inside the operating room. But I remained strong because I know I can only really on my inner strength, no one can help me this time. The moment I heard my son’s little voice and saw his small body – ah! unexplainable feeling of happiness and pride.
Sleeping time...
November 2005:
Toddler year came and this was the time I started to notice that my son was too hyperactive. Good thing that test result reveals that he is still on the normal side an not an attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) kid. He started to become addicted to different cartoon characters especially to Spongebob and Barney. This is also the year he started to enjoy toys shopping that it even became a form of bonding between us – eveytime we feel bored at home – we go malls and buy anything he wants. Sadly, this is also the time he became sickly. At a young age of 2 – he already that 3 history of being hospitalized:
1st – Bronchitis. Fired my first nanny because of this. Turns-out his lungs weaken because he was exposed to a nanny who has history of tuberculosis. My fault, as I didn’t require an x-ray from the nanny – big lesson learned the hard way.
2nd – Steven Johnson Syndrome. Yes, my son is a survivor of this fatal syndrome. Just google it for more define explanation but briefly, it’s is a severe allergic reaction from food, drugs and environment – in other words, severe allergic react on almost anything. Only 5,000 out of 1 person get affected by this. I was so sad seeing my son on pain as he was confined for a week because of this. His lifestyle totally changed after. He was advise to be environmentally-isolated and to be on a strict hypoallergenic diet. Imagine a 2 year old boy prohibited to eat hotdogs, burgers and fries? Imagine my son just secluded on his air-conditioned room and not allowed to go park because the smallest of dust and flower pollen will make him cough and get skin rashes bigtime? Good thing that as years passed by, he was able to develop stronger immunity that his doctors allowed him to little by little have a normal daily routine. His lifetime steriods and other maintenance drugs are expensive but I don't have any other choice but to buy because those are all very essential for his normal survival. Up to this moment, he is still monthly seeing his allergeologist and dietitian (really not cheap believe me), this is in fact on top of his regular general pediatrician.
3rd – Tonsilitis with Hypersensitivity Reaction. Tonsilitis – Tonsilitis caused of too much ice cream and chocolate intakes while the hypersensitivity reaction was caused by taking a medicines he was allergic with.
Zyrus and Mama Lola at Hongkong Disneyland
Zyrus and Mama Lola at Hongkong Oceanpark
Zyrus at Macau
Mommy Ybeth and Baby Zyrus loves to wear same shirt design
October 2006:
I accepted a Singapore-based job opportunity with the objective of providing my son with the best life possible. I want to financially save for his stable future. I want to secure a lavish lifestyle until he can independently do it on his on. I want him to feel fortunate that I’m his mother, I want him to be proud of me. Thinking of our longterm goals and plans, I sacrificed being away from him.
It was never easy and up now I’m still adjusting. So many nights I cried because I’m terribly missing him. Being together every 2 months, daily yahoo chats and phone conversations seems still not enough to stop my longing for him. Don’t worry my son, maybe in three years time – I will retire and be a full-time mommy for you.
Lastly, sharing to you the first ever letter I made for my son:
March 2003:
I had my monthly period twice. First was on the 2nd week that lasted for only 2 days which is weird since my normal menstruation goes up to 4-5days. Then I had another light blood discharge on the 4th week - it’s so light that I decided to see an ob-gyne already. Our family has a long history of ovarian cyst. My mom herself was a victim as her ovary was removed 10 years ago. I thought I’m having the same symptoms also. I had the shock on my life when while I was on the trans-vaginal ultrasound – the doctor surprisingly said “do you know that you are 6 weeks pregnant?” Waaaaaaaaaaa! I’m totally clueless. But I fall in love with my son already the moment I saw his tiny peanut-like young body and heard his active heartbeat – such a divine feeling.
I had spotting – the bleeding is an indication that the baby’s grip on my womb was not so strong and may eventually lead to miscarriage if it won’t stop. I was advised to take bedrest for a month, just literally lying on the best for straight 30 days – not doing anything but to eat and sleep. The only time I get up is when I go toilet or take a bath. I did everything to ensure a healthy pregnancy. I gained 20 pounds and forced myself to eat and drink items I don’t like eversince (I hate banana but I need it for potassium/ Annum milk taste so yuck but I need a daily 2 glasses intake of it). Not to mention the agony of morning sickness and the painful all-of-a-sudden puking. However, there’s a joy over the fact that there’s a life growing inside my womb – the impulse kicking and the feel of movement when the infant change position always brings me joy. The peaceful moments of me listening to classical music of Mozart and Beethoven because I know it will be good for my baby’s emotional molding. I knew I was having a boy on my fifth month term. I started to buy boy infant items and researched a name for him. His nursery room was ready when I reached my seventh month. Attended 3 different suprise baby showers organized by my friends and relatives. My whole family was so excited as we were all counting the days until the day my son will see the world.

November 2003:
My actual due date was around December 5, 2003. But maybe because of work pressure and tension on my personal lovelife involving issues over my son’s father, I had an early deliver on November 14. My waterbag broke when I was on the middle of doing window shopping. I was alone and asked help of the sales lady to escort me to the taxi stand. Inside the cab I was panicking, calling my mom as I'm confuse where to proceed - home first or directly go hospital. My mom called my doctors (OB-Gyne and Anesthesiologist) and told them that I will give birth already.
I gave birth to a healthy bouncing boy at exactly 11:15pm. It was a caesarian delivery because I’m still not feeling the labor pains even if my waterbag broke already. I still clearly remember that I was so nervous inside the operating room. But I remained strong because I know I can only really on my inner strength, no one can help me this time. The moment I heard my son’s little voice and saw his small body – ah! unexplainable feeling of happiness and pride.

November 2005:
Toddler year came and this was the time I started to notice that my son was too hyperactive. Good thing that test result reveals that he is still on the normal side an not an attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) kid. He started to become addicted to different cartoon characters especially to Spongebob and Barney. This is also the year he started to enjoy toys shopping that it even became a form of bonding between us – eveytime we feel bored at home – we go malls and buy anything he wants. Sadly, this is also the time he became sickly. At a young age of 2 – he already that 3 history of being hospitalized:
1st – Bronchitis. Fired my first nanny because of this. Turns-out his lungs weaken because he was exposed to a nanny who has history of tuberculosis. My fault, as I didn’t require an x-ray from the nanny – big lesson learned the hard way.
2nd – Steven Johnson Syndrome. Yes, my son is a survivor of this fatal syndrome. Just google it for more define explanation but briefly, it’s is a severe allergic reaction from food, drugs and environment – in other words, severe allergic react on almost anything. Only 5,000 out of 1 person get affected by this. I was so sad seeing my son on pain as he was confined for a week because of this. His lifestyle totally changed after. He was advise to be environmentally-isolated and to be on a strict hypoallergenic diet. Imagine a 2 year old boy prohibited to eat hotdogs, burgers and fries? Imagine my son just secluded on his air-conditioned room and not allowed to go park because the smallest of dust and flower pollen will make him cough and get skin rashes bigtime? Good thing that as years passed by, he was able to develop stronger immunity that his doctors allowed him to little by little have a normal daily routine. His lifetime steriods and other maintenance drugs are expensive but I don't have any other choice but to buy because those are all very essential for his normal survival. Up to this moment, he is still monthly seeing his allergeologist and dietitian (really not cheap believe me), this is in fact on top of his regular general pediatrician.
3rd – Tonsilitis with Hypersensitivity Reaction. Tonsilitis – Tonsilitis caused of too much ice cream and chocolate intakes while the hypersensitivity reaction was caused by taking a medicines he was allergic with.

October 2006:
I accepted a Singapore-based job opportunity with the objective of providing my son with the best life possible. I want to financially save for his stable future. I want to secure a lavish lifestyle until he can independently do it on his on. I want him to feel fortunate that I’m his mother, I want him to be proud of me. Thinking of our longterm goals and plans, I sacrificed being away from him.
It was never easy and up now I’m still adjusting. So many nights I cried because I’m terribly missing him. Being together every 2 months, daily yahoo chats and phone conversations seems still not enough to stop my longing for him. Don’t worry my son, maybe in three years time – I will retire and be a full-time mommy for you.
Lastly, sharing to you the first ever letter I made for my son:
My dearest Zyrus Angel,
You made my life so meaningful and I thank God
for each day that we're together. Bear in mind that you're the best thing that ever happen to me. No matter what happen baby, mommy will always be there for you. No words can
explain how happy am I that you came into my life.I loved you the very first day I knew that you are inside my womb. Since then, my love for you grows more each and every single day. I promise to provide you the best life possible. I love you very, very much my son!
Mommy Ybeth
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