Though I'm very happy and satistied with the thnigs happennig in my life, my subconscious giving me the rights to rant a little. So please allow me to do it in a couple of sentences.
It has been a universal law that everyone is entitled to espress their own feelings and belief on any form he/she knows how. Freedom of expression is one of the most valuable privilage any human being can have. As long as you exercise it without hurting or disturbing anyone negatively, you are allowed to blog about anything you want to write... or put facebook shoot-out as offten as you want... or even change your chat status every minute. No one can stop you, that's your right! Sometimes life is a damn if you do, damn if you don't cycle. If you are sad, people talks... if you are happy, the more they talk too. So where will we put ourselves anymore?
So what better way to do but to go ahead with your usual life and pray that these people will get a life and just simply fuck off!!
And rant mode ends here....
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