Happy birthday to me…
Happy birthday to me…
Happy birthday, happy birthday…
Happy birthday to me!
As the saying goes, another year older is another year wiser. Mommy Ybeth just turned 32. Whoa!!!! Thanks for the greeting guys! Those calls, sms, offline chat messages and facebook greetings means a lot to me. Sharing to you how most of the people dear to my heart made my birthday very special…
Happy birthday to me…
Happy birthday, happy birthday…
Happy birthday to me!
As the saying goes, another year older is another year wiser. Mommy Ybeth just turned 32. Whoa!!!! Thanks for the greeting guys! Those calls, sms, offline chat messages and facebook greetings means a lot to me. Sharing to you how most of the people dear to my heart made my birthday very special…
November 22/ Sunday night - I was busy packing my stuff as I have an early flight to Singapore 6am the next day when my room light died. I went out and saw my Mom.
Mom: oh, black-out!
Me: if black-out, then why Alexander’s room has lights?
Mom: will check, let’s go down.
I was taking down the stairs when my whole family, especially my one and only son started to loudly sang happy birthday while the only source of light was my cake candle (I think they imitate what I did to Baby Zyrus last bbq/camping party. Hehe…) I was really surprise as I never saw that mango cream cake in the fridge thar morning.
Me: wow! when you bought the cake?
Mom: i asked sharon (my sister-in-law) to buy one when you instructed her to buy some stuff for you yesterday. you notice your money change got smaller than the total bill? because you technically bought the cake too.
Me lol! (it’s ok, at least the thought was there. hehe…)
Thanks Baby Zy, Mama, Alexander, Mac, AC and Linggit! I love you all! In this family lies my comfort zone, we are just simply perfect and intact together!
November 23/ Monday – Spent this entire day with the most important person in my life outside my family. Carrying a rose bouquet and mini-black forest when he arrived, I gave him a tight kiss back. After few exchange of stories and quality time together, we headed to Kenko Spa Esplanade for a relaxing 45minutes foot reflexology and head/shoulder massage. Then he surprise me with a dinner and cocktail at 70th floor Equinox The Stamford Swisssotel. I was very impress not because of his restaurant choice as I know he can very well take me to the finest and most elegant places around, but I was mostly touched upon knowing that he made prior arrangement and reservation. Imagining my man researching where to take me and calling/ sending booking emails makes me feel proud I’m his girl. Ordered martini for him and dry red wine for me. We were eating our main course of potato sausage and roasted family bird when the surprise cake arrived. This one I was totally clueless as I never expected a cake, love it Baby! After dinner we went for little city strolling then catch a cab to home. I was typing an sms for him when a message from him came (goes without saying that we are doing the same thing at the same time).
My man’s sms: hope you like it mahal. love you and happy birthday.
My sms: everything was perfect babe. thanks for making me very happy on my birthday. love you!
Then he called and we spend another 10minutes talking and saying our long good night. (I was typing this part of my blog when he called and I told him I will write our November 23rd memories. Then he told me that there’s no pictures to support my story - it's ok Babe. If someone will question me, I’ll borrow your credit card bill then I’ll slap to them. Hahaha!)
I will never forget what you did Babe. Love you a lot! Looking forward to our own Christmas and New year celebration.
November 24/ Tuesday – Blow my birthday candle for the 3rd time. Thanks guys! You know I consider you all as my Singapore family (not to mention Madam as my Singapore Mom. Hehe)
November 24/ Tuesday - Rica and the whole gang – Western food dinner treat at Café Cartel Plaza Singapura. Special mention to you Aman, thanks for the birthday coffee and lovely gift by the way.
November 25/ Wednesday - Old guillemard housemates – Seafood dinner at kallang. Let’s go back there guys, the black pepper crab rocks!
November 29/ Sunday – Mommies friends and their families – Organized a McDonalds kiddie party so all the kids can enjoy. Thanks for all your gifts to Baby Zyrus.
November 22/ Sunday – All my Philippine-based friends – Thanks for coming to Baby Zy’s birthday party. We will schedule night-out party on my next month vacation. See you all!
Yes, I’m already 32 – totally out of calendar. It’s ok, nothing to worry at all as age is just a number. I have a very smart son… I have a supportive family… I have a stable and financially rewarding career… I have my man who’s making me feel loved and special for the past 16months… and lastly, I still have a 36-25-36 vital statistic. Hahaha! So nothing to feel bitter about. At 32, I know I'm definetely luckier, happier and more fulfilled than some people younger than me. Hehe...
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