November 27 is Hari Raya Haji and considers as one of the public holidays here in Singapore. That makes the last week of November 2009 a long weekend. Hooray!
Went Kha Restaurant for some cocktail with my man. It was our second time here actually (though our first time was over dinner), I really love the ambiance and the open deck lounge concept. I specifically requested to be seated on the pink sofa, hehe... Seated together hugging and stargazing over blueberry martini, perfect Baby! It was my man's first time to taste crab and prawn cake, suprisingly he liked it. Of course we also order our ever favorite chicken bbq skewers.
Little problem arise when we already paid and noticed we were mistakenly charge 4 martinis instead of only 2. It was actually a 1-for-1 cocktail promo. Goodthing my man saw it and the error was corrected in minutes.
Spend quality time with my man the whole morning. Cuddled and talked about exciting things about our forthcoming activities together. Went raffles to get my office laptop then went straight to Mccdo Bedok to book a kiddie party as my birthday treat for my other mommy friends. I initially thought of organizing a couple's lunch or dinner but I decided to prioritize the kids enjoyment - wanted them to have fun. I always get invited on thier birthday so why not invite them for my special day also? So McDonalds for me is the most hassle-free reasonable gathering I can come up.
Then went toa payoh and help friends transfer to thier new home. I reached the place and wonder if the old owners are either pig, carabao or horse... The flat was sooooooooooo damn dirty!!! Bigtime cleaning we did. My friends swear that it was not like that when they view the place a month back. My friend called the agent and the conversation goes like this:
My friend: the house is so dirty. can you ask someone to clean it and please pay for it.
Agent: it's not dirty, it's on an average ready-to-live condition. oh, you are filipinos right? don't expect too much! you are not australians or caucasians to act like that!
Couple of strong words exchanges and my friend hung-up. Sad that after an agent close a deal, he will totally be unaccomodating (well, I'm not generalizing ok. Surely there will be helpful ones too). But hey, it's not about the race. Being a Filipino means we can tolerate dirt and foul smell? Only nationalities of first world counrty deserves to be hypersentive to clean living? Again, it's not about the race, it's about hygiene, it's about proper sanitation regardless of who you are. Especially for my friend's case, she paid well enough for a flat she liked only to face horrible hand-over. But what to do? Don;t wanna be stress anymore so spent 3 hours cleaning, girl-power-style! Whew!
Reached another friend's place at 8pm for her 2nd tattoo party. I arrived and 7 people are still on que for being inked. Met new friends again. I was so tempted to customize my recent tattoo but I diciplined myself not to. Just did alot of chit-chat, eating and drinking.
Reached another friend's place at 8pm for her 2nd tattoo party. I arrived and 7 people are still on que for being inked. Met new friends again. I was so tempted to customize my recent tattoo but I diciplined myself not to. Just did alot of chit-chat, eating and drinking.

Went home at 1pm. Went online and talk to my man for a little while then went to sleep at 3am.
Clean room and laundry my clothes morning. Went back to my friend's new toa payoh home for lunch at 12nn. Though little foul smell is still there, the flat is already clean and looking like home for human beings now. Hehe... Had mega lunch of sauted prawn, fried salted fish, steamed kangkong and pork stew. Did some picture taking and watch several filipino movies over wall's vanilla ice cream. Fun!
Clean room and laundry my clothes morning. Went back to my friend's new toa payoh home for lunch at 12nn. Though little foul smell is still there, the flat is already clean and looking like home for human beings now. Hehe... Had mega lunch of sauted prawn, fried salted fish, steamed kangkong and pork stew. Did some picture taking and watch several filipino movies over wall's vanilla ice cream. Fun!
Met another friend at 4pm and went john little sale at singapore expo. It was so crowded and big-time shopping is not my priority right now. So after satisfying my eyes with lots of window-shopping, we proceeded to giant tampines for my weekly grocery. Dinner of ikea's famous swedish meatballs and I'm home at 10:30pm.
Woke up at 7:30am to prepare my man's breakfast in bed. Spent another quality time with him before I proceed to Bedok for my kiddie birthday treat (will make a separate blog about this McDonalds party).
Woke up at 7:30am to prepare my man's breakfast in bed. Spent another quality time with him before I proceed to Bedok for my kiddie birthday treat (will make a separate blog about this McDonalds party).