Happy weekend everybody! It's saturday and I'm not following my usual "get-out and hang-with-friends" schedule for today. Hehe... Decided to stay home and cook non-stop. Went bedok wetmarket just to buy all needed stuffs to prepare 4 different viands. Detailed ingredients and procedure/s of each dish is at http://ybeth-food-journey.blogspot.com/
Though I only used instant sinigang powder mix, I'm happy with the end result. Sourness of the soup is just enough and not overpowering the meat. Finally found kangkong leaves after minutes of roaming around the whole market. Another goodthnig this time, I didn't overcook the veggies - long bean and white raddish still crispy on every bite. Only problem is I put so much water again (well, I guess that's one of my over and over cooking mistake). So need to throw excess soup otherwise my sinigang will look like an olympic 10feet swimming pool where the meat and veggies are all doing thier breaststroke rounds. Hahaha!
I asked my Mom for a dish I can make using my leftover roasted chicken and she told me to use it for creamy macaroni chicken soup (or sopas in tagalog). I found my mother's instruction very simple so I was very confident I can cook it properly. Smell was good, color of the food was enticing... but different story when I tasted it. Gosh, it tasted so milky as I put one big can of evaporated milk. It's so creamy that if you remove the soup from the noodles and put coffee on it you will have a nice aromatic mocha frap. Waaaaa! I was so frustrated with the result that I called my mother and complain. Turns out, I only need to put small amout of evaporated milk and not the whole can. The solution, throw 1/2 of the existing soup and add more water, put it to boil and season it with salt/pepper again. After so many adjustment here and there, I finally had a decent Sopas. Thank God!
End result of my munggo guisado is ok. Though taste is a little different since I think the beans here in Singapore is harder to boil and the bittergourd is not like the ones in Philippines (taste and apperance wise). Partner with hot steam rice and fish sauce, I ate alot of this earlier - and my stomach is still full up to now. =)
Green mussel is tahong in tagalog and it is one of my favorite seafood. Preparing this soup is very easy as you only need to boil the water with ginger and salt, pour the mussel, wait for the shell to open and viola! Steaming hot hassle-free seafood soup in an instant
Saturday is about to end. After so many finger skin cuts and oil/boiling water mini-burns, I believe I had a productive day. I realize I can stay the whole day at home and make it interesting if I want to. I finished the green mussel soup and sauted mung beans but I still have 4 microvable containers stock on the fridge for my leftover sopas and sinigang. As to when will I eat and finish those foods I don't know. Whether I do this kitchen activity regulary, I can't say. But one thing is for sure - I really had a heck of kitchen fun!
Gotta go now guys. Will meet with old housemates for dinner and cocktail. :)
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