Boy scout is for big boys... Cub scout is for little big boys. And yeah oh yeah, Baby Zyrus is a certified Cab Scout. He is soooo into it that everytime he roam around our home he will always say "left, right, left, right, left, right, left", march-style walk mode always. Whew! Also, he keeps on saying that he will give me a grand salute when I go back Manila on November. Imagine how sweet the gesture will be. My son plans to give honor to me, can't wait! Hehe...

Mommy Ybeth: so what do you do every cab scout gathering?
Baby Zy: so many things mommy but you know what I love most?
Mommy Ybeth: what mahal?
Baby Zy: unlimited coke in can every breaktime!
Mommy Ybeth: lol!

Baby Zy: i'm a cub scout mommy, should be ready to help someone always.
Mommy Ybeth: right mahal. very good my son!
Baby Zy: so mommy can i bring beggars to our home and feed them?
Mommy Ybeth: ah... ah... (not sure how to answer actually)
Baby Zy: mommy?
Mommy Ybeth: hmm... still thinking mahal...
Baby Zy: it's ok mommy, don't answer anymore... i understand.
Mommy Ybeth: why you said that?
Baby Zy: because i asked the same question to our scout teacher and he can't answer also!
Mommy Ybeth: waaaaaaaaaaaaa!

Baby Zyrus: we do cub scout activities in a group mommy.
Mommy Ybeth: really? that nice. nice teammates?
Baby Zy: yes mommy. but thier nannies prettier than yaya (his nanny)
Mommy Ybeth: oh, don't bring that topic again and again...
(*history - he's been asking me since he was 4 years old why his nanny is not pretty and requesting me to replace her with a younger pleasing one. hehehe...)

Baby Zy: i also won the drawing activity mommy.
Mommy Ybeth: wow! you got any prize?
Baby Zy: yes mommy. very precious - chewing gum!
Mommy Ybeth: (really laugh hard on that answer) :D
On a serious note, he knows that cub scout should be society's role models and serves as an inspiration for others (adult and kids-alike). I'm so proud of you my son. You have been living to the cub scout principle even wayback when you were still inside my womb. In fact, I'm the very first person whom you did such a big help. You gave my life direction. You mold a better me. Your mere presense reminds me to strive hard for our future. I don't know where will I be without you. Been continously thanking God for letting me have a treasure in you. I love you very much Baby Zy! You mean everything to mommy.