It's already past 1am but I'm still wide awake. I hate it when I can't sleep. Why? Because everytime my senses are active and conscious, I tend to think alot. Like right now, several thoughts are coming across and I can't help but to jot it down....
1. Can someone please tell Mother Earth that she's spinning too fast? Whoa! Few more months and my Baby Zyrus will be 6 years old. But wait, am I ready for this? I survive being a mommy to infant Zy… I survive being a mommy to toddler Zy…. Can I survive being a mommy to school-age Zy? I’m nervous… Will continue to strive hard to deserve you my son. Always remember that you mean the world to Mommy and you are the best thing that ever happen to me.
2. I finally got all the Bintan photos courtesy of the birthday girl Ley. Now I owe her a blog about it. Please give me until next weekend to finish it. Mr. A extending his thanks to you and Eric for letting him sleep at the veranda sofa. Hahaha! Can I make our vacation article no-holds-barrel? Like can I put all our beach photos and mention Eric's nightime habit? Hehe.... Seriously, thanks for being a friend Ley. I really do enjoy your company. So until our next weekend getaway.
3. I always wondered... Why would two people who claims to love each other so much bear to have a fight? I mean, doesn't it hurt to see each other sad and upset? Isn't it painful to make your partner cry? But isn't it amazing how you can stir so much emotions in a person with a word or an action too? Hmmm... Maybe because sometimes the reason for the indifferences is beyond each other's control. Sorry might be the next overuse word in any relationship next to saying "i love you", but if it's sincerly meant - it must be felt. As long as you two respect each other and as long as you two are one... then it's all that matters.
4. I know it was the scars of the past that mold me to be like this at present. Your presence still lingers... I had accepted the fact that you will forever be my shadow. Hope that everytime you drive or walk past me, you will be able to differentiate if it's beads of perspiration or tears that's rolling down my cheeks. It hurts so much that it doesn't quite matter anymore.