I was cleaning my shoe rack this morning when I noticed that I have more or less around 40 pairs of footwear - from office shoes and sandals to my casual flat slippers and rubber shoes. 60% of them I only wore once or twice, some I even never use still.
There's a saying that "diamonds are girls bestfriend". But not for me.... Aside from the fact that I don't have money for such lavish interest, I was never a fan of jewellry. But I love buying shoes and fashion wardrobe. I never get tired of window shopping as I enjoy fitting almost all clothes and shoes that catches my attention.
And because shoes is cheaper than dresses, I buy the first one more often. If I feel depress, bored and sad - I buy shoes. If I feel happy, excited and inspired - I buy shoes. Shoes makes me feel good, buying them is a form of reward and therapy for me.
I have a very simple criteria when buying:
1. Must be high-heeled of at least 2 inches or more
2. Must be pointed or triangular in shaped
3. Must be inexpensive (hehe)
Well, that's me. I bet you guys have your own criteria in selecting shoes also. But if we are to talk about my life in general, many says they will handle it differently. So just wanted to check - if you were on my shoes, would you do the same thing/s also?
1. Would you also choose to turn down the marraige proposal of your son's father and be tagged as a single mother? Sometimes I'm thinking... What if I got married? Was it a happily-ever-after story with my son finally having a complete family set-up? Or just an endless agony of physical and verbal abuses?
2. Would you also choose to accept a job abroad leaving your one-and-only son on the care of your mother? What if I decided to stay? Is our mother and son relationship better compared now? How about the financial side? Can I still provide Zyrus the best life possible even if just opted to work in the Philippines?
It's easy criticizing one's life. But unless you are really on the same situation you will realize that things are easier said than done. I should know, because sometimes I put myself on other's life as well....
1. If I were Brad Pitt, I will never leave Jennifer Aniston for Angelina Jolie. Why? Simply because I love Jennifer more. Hehe.
2. If I were Latika on the Slumdog Millionaire movie, I will try my very best to escape and not allow myself to be a kept woman of a syndicate leader (over my dead body!!!). Being scared was never an excuse not to fight, especially if everything is unbearable. Latika had experienced too much - nobody owns a person out of fear and nobody has the right to physically and emotionally abuse someone only because they are weak. Argh! I hate being taken advantage of!
3. If I were my good friend Rica, I will try to focus on getting pregnant and seeking medical/ profesional help than just passing my day-to-day life by shopping and socializing. I know how much her husband wants to finally have a kid. If I am Rica, I will choose to lie-low with my extravagant lifestyle and aim to be a mother anytime soon. "peace friend! :)"
4. If I am President Gloria Macapagal Arroyo, I will go everything it takes under my power to finally end dirty politics in the Philippines. I will have an iron-hand in stopping corruption and prioritize uplifting the poverty line. Just sad that I'm not (and never will I become).
Sometimes we envy others lives... sometimes we feel sorry for someone... sometimes we do slf-pity of our current situation. Just thinking that we all have burdens to carry may somehow makes us all appreciate what we have. Whether the decision we made were right or wrong, it makes no sense dwelling on the past and checking if we did the proper thing. What's important is that we stood on the option we took and proudly take actions for it.
Happy Sunday everyone!