I'm so inlove with the tag "Mommy Ybeth and Baby Zyrus". I'm so used to addressing him like that. But now, as my son turned 5 years old last week - my little Angel is baby no more. I will forever treasure those moments when he was just a little infant fully dependent on breasfeeding. How I use to stare at him when he was in deep sleep, softly touching his cheek and smooching his tiny lips - thinking that this was the boy who use to move and kick around my womb. Then toddler years came - when he started to go primary school and meet friends. Such an active little boy that won't get tired singing, dancing and talking. I'm so proud of my son. He is growing exactly as what I expected him to be.
Even though his party celebration was last November 16, his real birthdate is November 14. Last friday, I managed to make his day very special - from the time he woke-up, up to the time he fell asleep.
I made a birthday breakfast for him. I prepared a strawberry chocolate pancake and designed it with a funny face (colored candy chocolate for the eyes, scoop of butter for the nose and slices of fresh strawberries formed as lips). Thank God it tasted good. He had his beakfast in bed and I served it together with a colorful ballooon bouquet. Once done, we went together to the living room where all of his gifs from family and very close friends were properly displayed. He was so suprise and happy seeing all of those wrapped boxes. He opened one by one while lively birthday songs were being played continuosly.
Lunch time came and we went to his favorite dining place. My son loves thier fried chicken so much that if he is in the mood, he can finish 3 pieces on one sitting. After eating, I suprised him with a small chocolate cake. I love how all the waiters sang birthday song together while serving the cake. More than that, the restaurant gave Zy a free ice cream sundae as a gift. Heartfelt thanks Max Restaurant!!!!!
Inside the car while going home, I blindfolded Zy when we are near. The major suprise was his small "Winnie the Pooh Pajama Party". It was held in our new house' 3rd floor rooftop. Mama Lola handled the venue decoration and foods while Mommy Ybeth was in-charge of hosting and other party activity. We invited all our neighbor kids and advise them to be on their pajama/ sleepwear. My son was all-smile when he saw all those kids waiting for him. He immediately went to his room and change clothes.

Zyrus' Suprise Pajama Party
The party was very informal - just little kiddie games and balloon twisting. Major activity was the cupcake decorating, where all kids were given a set of one cupcake, mini-marshmallow, colored choco candies and pre-packed icing. The kid with the best decorated cupcake wins a prize. We ended the party with a classic storytelling - Cinderella and the 7 Dwafts. Incorrect choice of fairytale story, because it was so classic that all of the kids knows it already. Very funny how kids corrected me several times because I'm telling some parts of it wrongly (haha).

Mommy Ybeth looking for the best decorated cupcake
Then sunday came - the much awaited party of my one and only son. He choose Bob the Builder as his party theme for this year. This party was 5-months in the making. He was very much excited on this and fortunately it was a big success (whew!). Even up to now he is saying thank you to me non-stop. Just knowing how happy he is - is enough reason for me to be fulfilled. The monetary investment, stress and tension planning his party were all worth it. Sharing to you several unofficial photos (official photos and video will be release in 2 weeks):

Welcome to Zy's Bob the Builder Party

Mommy Ybeth and Baby Zy with Bob the Builder

Message for Zy - this is the time I started to become emotional
Whew, I'm a mother of a 5 year old boy. Hope that I'm propoerly giving justice to this very noble role. I love you so much my Son. You are my world. You are my everything. No enough words to describe how much of me belongs to you. I said it before but I will say it again, you put color and direction in my life - I became very sensible once you came. If I am to bring back time, I will still choose the same path the led me to having you.
So, until your next birthday my very own Bigboy......