Aside from several singapore parties and blue silver celebration with my man, 2009 christmas is indeed super fun as I was able to spend it again with my one and only son. Sharing to you guys our various mother and son bonding as we await for December 25 grand day...
December 20/ Sunday:
Straight from airport, we went malate church to attend "simbang gabi". Then proceeded to aristocrat restaurant for an early light breakfast.

waiting to be seated

this is how my family define "light" breakfast. hehe...

went to aristocrat bakery section and bought several pastries before heading home
Woke up from my afternoon nap when my mom said I have a mini-welcome party at 7pm. Several neighbors and some of our taxi business employees gather over simple filipino dishes and local beers as we all watch kids come and go infront of our house to do caroling.
December 21/ Monday:
Nieces, nephews and little cousins arrived early morning to stay with us the whole week. I actually invited them as it's fun to be surrounded with kids during this festive season. Together with my whole family, we all went bowling, timezone game arcade, movie and of course - foodtripping! So fun that I already lost track of how many times we bought ice cream cone, cotton candy and popcorn (take note the this is on top of our official lunch and afternoon snack. hehe...)
Reached home by 8pm and spent the rest of the night wrapping all gifts. I made sure Baby Zy will see all of his presents once he wake up the next day. =)

santa's gift to zy placed in our room window
December 22 / Tuesday:
Our family organized a small christmas party with our taxi business employees and their families at Paradiso Terrestre Restaurant. We played group games and raffle give-aways. Best part of it all was when my mom announced that everybody will get a bonus in the form of 1-day-no-taxi-boundary/ fee. Wow! I envy this guys as I myslef don't even have that extra perks when I decided to relocate in singapore. lol! Oh, and before I forget, this party is also to celebrate my youngest sister's 13th birthday. Happy birthday our everdearest Carla! We love you!

dinner starts

it's also my youngest sister's birthday!

party hosts and game masters: mommy ybeth and baby zyrus

dinner and party program ends, on our way to 3rd floor bar

cocktail starts at 9pm, kids not allowed anymore - only baby zy =)

zy singing "breaking free" song from highschool musical. i'm so proud of my son!
December 23/ Wednesday:
Woke up with bigtime hangover but still manage to go out and do grocery shopping in preparation for christmas eve feast the next day. Then organize a rooftop camping con movie marathon in the evening. It was suppose to be horror-theme but I backed-out on the very first scene of "shake, rattle and roll" tagalog movie. I pressed the stop button then said "guys, let's just watch comedy ones instead. Hahahaha!

at SM mall of asia

canadian santa claus at the grocery section. hehe...

done with our chores, time for little timezone game arcade. yipeee!

rooftop camping over hotdog-on-stick, marsmallows, do-it-yourself pizza, lots of chips and donuts (muffins and waffle not in photo as that is just exclusive for baby zy)

lots of pirated dvd to choose from

zyrus making his own pizza

... and now teaching his cousin how to make one

all-set for toasting

watching our first tagalog comedy movie - kimy dora (quite funny though)
December 24/ Thursday:
It's the day before christmas and mommy ybeth & baby zyrus has full-freedom to go out and roam around the village. we did brisk walking early morning and was personally amazed how many bakery outlet, tailoring shop and salon parlor we have nearby our home. Funny that it took me more than a year to do this here in our new provincial home. Noght time came and we did caroling too! Would you belive that? I ask Baby Zy's nanny to go to 3 close neighbors, give 100pesos each and instruct them to give it to my son after singing. I did that because since I arrive, he's been requesting and asking permission to do it. He envy the kids going infront of our house singing. So as a supportive loving mommy, I bough him maracas and made sure he won't receive coins after his performance. Wise mother korek? Wink!
Btw, he also open all his gifts before 12midnight as he keeps on bugging me to see everything as early as monday.

3 out of the 7 santa gifts for goodboy baby zy :)

mommy ybeth and baby zy inside our room

mother and son caroling tandem... lol!

now eagerly waiting for christmas eve feast

ready to entertain guest

10 minutes before 12midnight strikes! =)
Food and cocktail galore as our home celebrate this very important occasion. Even baby zy was up and awake partying until 3am.
December 25/ Friday:
I made it point to wake up 7am to fill my son and all kids relatives' socks. Funny since I''m a little dizzy due to hang-over, I can't find where they place their socks so I just decided to put it on the table (hey, the handwritten names was made by my brother, not me ok? just fyi. lol!)

not-inside-the-sock santa's sock gifts
Entertained visitors until lunchtime then went for a family reunion/ get-together the whole afternoon. Went home 9pm and decided to see that near-by simple carnival that the village association organized. It was actually Baby Zy's first time experience see a "perya" themepark. But he really had fun, especially playing the simple gun shooting game. He even asked me to ride thier roller coaster and ferries wheel but I didn't allow it as I think it's not safe. :)

at the nearby park

before going family reunion

at the simple carnival playing 1peso toss-it game

bingo time, 4 cards and we never won.

baby zy enjoyed this gun shooting game alot!
Gotta go now as it's already 4:30am on my clock. 'Just want to let you know that today, December 26 starts our own 6days activity countdown for 2010 New Year!!!